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Essential Oil Dilution Guide

Essential oils are powerful, and very little goes a long way when you are creating products at home. A 2% dilution is usually all you need.

This handy guide will help you calculate the number of drops required for different volumes of carrier.


  • More oil does not equal more effectiveness. If you are creating something for the first time, start light. You can always add more oil later.
  • For topical use, test a small area before applying widely. Some people have sensitivity to certain oils.
  • Children (and the elderly) are more sensitive than adults to essential oils, so adjust your mix accordingly. For topical application, a good guideline is:
    – 6 to 15 yo – Maximum 3% (recommended 1.5%)
    – 2 to 6yo – Maximum 2% (recommended 1%)
    – 3 months to 2 years – Maximum 0.5% (recommended 0.25%)
  • Pets may also be sensitive to essential oils
  • Always check the attributes of the essential oils you are using. There are essential oils which should never be used with children, essential oils which can be toxic to pets, and essential oils which are photosensitive (may cause skin reactions in sunlight).